vineri, 31 iulie 2009

New Pin!

1.Go to the Town.
2.Go to the coffee.
3.Click on the pin!

joi, 30 iulie 2009

Music Jam (I like jam) is all wrapped up, but I think music is always cool to celebrate. We wanted to give you more ways to have fun with it, and if you check out the 101 Days of Fun Offline Activities on the website, you'll see some sheet music. You can use it to learn to play a Club Penguin song! I know Screenhog's really into music so I asked him about it.

ClubPenguin Times Arrives!

miercuri, 29 iulie 2009

Beacon glitch REVIEW

This is a review of the beacon light on/off glitch that remained from The Easter Egg Hunt.Watch this video to see how is done.ENJOY!

duminică, 26 iulie 2009

marți, 7 iulie 2009

Ninja Hideout

We've seen so many of you having fun hanging out with your ninja buddies in the Ninja Hideout - There have been a lot of Cloud Waves happening before penguins disappear, so I know that tons of you already have the new item from the Martial Artworks catalog! It might be fun to try out your new ability all over the island, and to show other penguins the way of the ninja...

Music Jam Sneak Peek!

This year's Music Jam will go from July 17 - 26.