joi, 24 decembrie 2009


Kids Who Are Poor!33%
Kids Who Are Sick!32%
The Enviroment!35%

Posted By Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

vineri, 18 decembrie 2009

15 presents!

After you thorn 15 presents you will be rewarded with a santa suit:

Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

Christmas Hat!

1.Go on the map!
2.Go on Ski Village!
3.Click on the hat!

Posted by Nody 99&Raul 1000&Razvi 1!

New Pin!

1.Go on the map!
2.Go on the Lodge Atic!
3.Click on the pin!

Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

marți, 15 decembrie 2009

New servers!

Below Zero
Cold Snap
Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000!

The mistery gift!

Please no copy the photo!
Waddle on!
Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000!

Please comment!

luni, 14 decembrie 2009

Party 18December!

The party is on the Town!On hour on the penguin time 2:38PM!
Posted by Nody 99!

vineri, 11 decembrie 2009

New catalog igloo!

Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

Coins FOr Change!

Coins For Change is here!
Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

Rochoper is here!

Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

New CHristmas Postcard and Gift!

Send a gift!
Posted by Raul1000&Nody 99&Razvi 1!

sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2009

New catalog cheats!

Rockhopper is coming!

Rockhopper is coming for Coins for Change!
Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

vineri, 4 decembrie 2009

New Backgrounds!

Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!


1.Go in the Forrest!
2.Go on the right!
3.CLick on the pin!
Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

miercuri, 2 decembrie 2009

Coins for change coming!

December 11TH0-20TH
Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

duminică, 29 noiembrie 2009

You decide!

Please vote optinon 2!
Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009

Yeti Cave!FREE Item!

Thanks Nody 99&raul1000&Razvi 1!

New Item!

1.Go on the map!
2.Go on Ski Hill!
3.Click on the free item!
Thanks Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

marți, 24 noiembrie 2009

New game has been Launched!

Posted by Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

luni, 23 noiembrie 2009

duminică, 22 noiembrie 2009

Sneak Peek!

The game officially launches November 24th!
Thanks Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

vineri, 20 noiembrie 2009

Reviewed By You

Last week you told us about your favorite snowy sport and we loved what Pingu73000 said:

my favourite winter sport is sledging because its so fun and you can race against your friends,i also like snowballing because your friends can join in that to because you can get into teams and have a hot choclate at the end of the game.

The cool weather celebrations get started November 27th in the Ski Village!

In the meantime, the ninja construction is causing its own kind of celebrations at the new Fire Dojo! We want to know what your favorite Card-Jitsu card of all time is - and why!!
Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment! We'll post one (50 - 75 words please) in next week's Reviewed By You. And if your comment is chosen as the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!

Thanks Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

Visit my site EveryDay!

marți, 17 noiembrie 2009

Card-Jitsu Fire Coming Soon!

The construction Card-Jitsu Fire coming soon on 24 November!
Head to the Dojo to train
After you earn your belts and beat Sensei, he'll give you your Ninja Mask
Thanks Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!
Here is the video!

Visit my site EveryDay!

sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2009

New room Volcanoo on members!

The new room on member!
Thanks Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!

vineri, 13 noiembrie 2009

New pin!

1.Stand on the X on The Stage!
2.Entry in the room!
3.Stand on the X!
4.Click on the pin!

duminică, 8 noiembrie 2009

New Pin!Sled!

1.Go to map.
2.Go to Ski Hill.
3.Click on the pin!

Thanks Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1™®!

luni, 2 noiembrie 2009

GoldSmith Build Amulets!

The storm is leaving the dojo!
Thanks Nody 99&Raul1000&Razvi 1!™®

duminică, 1 noiembrie 2009

Sneak Peek - Attention Secret Agents!

BillyBob said:Hello Agents!

We know it's been a long time since you've had a new Mission and we've heard from a lot of you that you want one! We haven't forgotten about you guys - and we really want to say thanks for being so patient.™®

PSA - Some of you are wondering what's keeping Herbert P. Bear occupied these days and what he's got in store for the Penguin Secret Agency. I don't want to give much away right now, but we do want you to know that the team's working on something big. For now, keep up the things you're doing to keep the island safe, and I'll keep you in the loop when I've got more info.
For EPF agents, if you're looking for a challenge, starting on Friday, November 6 make sure to check out the first Wifi downloadable mission "The Puffle Pranksters" for the original Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force game for Nintendo DS. To download it onto your DS, just select Upload/Download from the Main Menu and follow the instructions. It'll be the first time you see the white puffle on your DS - and it might even give you a few hints of things to come...

Until then... Keep the island safe and waddle on

luni, 26 octombrie 2009

The Hallowen Video 2!

Party is here!

Party is here!

Thanks Nody99&Raul1000!

New Book!2008-2009!

New Book!2008-2009!
Thanks Nody99&Raul1000!

Part Extended!

The Party Extended!
Thanks Nody99&Raul1000!